Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Oh yes! Just when you thought SuperSuper was the best fashion magazine of all time (ok, obviously apart from Cheapdate) here comes RUBBISH MAGAZINE! This is a great piece of work and so beautifully put together. There's a whole bunch of ideas in here to love - from the price (£12.34) through to the photo shoot of rubbish bins at fashion shows, the article on Graydon Carter's hair through to blindfolded styling (pay particular attention to the caption writer's confession at the end of this last piece: 'I can't remember all these fashion credits 'cos it was all such a jumble on the day...') Fabulous stuff! Also has some illustrations by friend of the bookshop, Sarah Doyle.
The only thing I wasn't too sure about was the hardbound cover - I get all purist about the whole magazines have to be paperback thing.... But hey, just as I am thinking this I read the last page: 'Is RUBBISH a book or a magazine? Or perhaps a Bagazine/Magazook?' There you go then. It's a Bagazine.

Also just out is latest issue of Cattelan's Permanent Food. And of course we all love it and it's great and clever and not clever and audacious and all those things. I just wonder how many more pictures of dead people, hideous mutilations and injuries I really want to look at....

And, of course, I ought to mention Garageland.


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